Student Council Chairperson Elections 2024/25

Student Council Chairperson Elections for the Academic Year 2024/2025. As this is a by-election, there is one available Student Officer position: • Student Council Chairperson (Part-Time)

1 post is up for election.

The polls have closed.

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.
Candidate List
See who ran for each post and read their manifestos.

There are no referenda running at the present time.

Voting Instructions 

  • You have one vote.
  • Select the candidates in order of preference.
  • If at any stage you believe the candidates you have not yet numbered are unsuitable for the position, number Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.).
  • If at any stage you become indifferent to the remaining options, click the No Further Preferences (N.F.P.) button.
Please note: If voting on your phone, you must scroll to the bottom of the page after you cast your 1st vote to see the nominees for the next election position - you repeat this process 6 times until you see a thank you message after casting your final vote.